This blog is a personal condition of used devices. This is my experience. Everyone's is different. I was introduced to geocaching by a relative. He had a handheld device that was easy to use. After doing a few I really enjoyed it and started doing some on my own.
There was an issue I had to start with. The only GPSr I had was a car navigation portable. This worked ok, but I had to triangulate my position. I had to use 'where am i' and keep moving until I found the coordinates. They could be hard to find when I didn't have a lot of room to walk about. I had to keep good notes.
Eventually I got a Garmin Etrex. It was a lot better and I didn't have to walk around so much. It also let me make finds a lot faster. Still needed notes because it only stored names/GC codes and coordinates. This made puzzles very hard to distinguish.
I later got a smartphone and downloaded the geocaching free apps. Finally decided on the official groundspeak app. Now I could go paperless and keep my information updated. .
I still need my etrex for areas if bad cell service, but now I can see types easier.
I still use a combination of the three devices. I program my car navigation to get to the area. Etrex to get close to area, it's got only 20 foot accuracy. Smartphone to hone in better since it's closer to five feet unless in bad area. Then I can log on smartphone. I have also started using Geosphere on smartphone. But that will be covered in a later posting
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